Name: people call me Pain or squidward


Birthday: 17th February

ANY PRNS but They/Them is much appreciated 👍

German (tweets are EN only tho)

I'm a general dumbass so bear with me ( ^ω^)

DNI if:

You fit in the basic DNI criteria(homophobic, racist etc.)hate ALL of my favorites(I keep tweeting about them it's for your safety)
ONLY NSFW accountShip Minor / AdultCondone Proshippers and/or proshipping

I always forget to like posts so please don't take it personal if I never like any of them I appreciate any Tweet that gets on my TL!

Please tell me if I make you uncomfortable! I'm a naturally dumb person so I don't really know when I make anyone genuinely uncomfortable

Most things I say are Sarcastic so please don't think I'm serious when there's no /gen or /srs

Priv QRTs scare the hell out of me :)

Sb or I accidentally interact with you even though you didn't want anything to do with me again

I don't really tag My favorite characters because I'm forgetful

Please tag extreme gore that's all I ask
(if it has like gruesome depictions of a wound or something)

I sometimes write with Kaomoji and with some emoji like 🤡 or 🗿 if i dont have a reaction picture on hand

i mostly react with memes or something related to such

The characters i really love are in the hell section pls note that i like all of the characters in the cast theyre from, but i do pick favorites ofc

I sometimes say i hate them but it's always a joke so pls don't take me as a person who hates on others fave characters unironically

If you want to be friends in any of these games just DM or ask somewhere


Project Sekai


Ensemble Stars!!

BanG Dream!


Fire Emblem / Fire Emblem Heroes



Twisted Wonderland


Idolm@ster SideM

Idolm@ster (both girls side games)

Currently getting into other idol related content so just bear with me 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。

Many other things too just try and talk to me about them

I am known for my artistic ability to make carrds ugly